Friday, 21 February 2014

Qualities to Look for in Your Partner in Arranged Marriage

It is said that marriages are made in heaven and arranged on earth. But if you are going the arranged marriage way, the most pestering question can be- what traits to look for in the prospective partner? All of us know that judging someone merely on the external appearance can no way lead to the right decision. So, what points can one consider? Here is the list of the most important traits you can consider before coming to a decision. Today, even if your families introduce you both, you do get many chances to meet and therefore get to know each other well. So looking for these traits would not be too difficult
Is ready to make the 'big decision'
Is ready to make the 'big decision'

Is the person ready to adapt to the changes that are expected to come along with the new relationship? Are they ready to accept a new person in their life and everything that the new person brings along, including different choices, food habits, like and dislikes, etc.? Do they appear ready to commit or is it just the family pressure? These are the very important questions you need to ask yourself after a few meetings. If the answer to any of these questions is negative, know that you need to think again.

Is honest
Is honest

The most important trait that one looks for in a life partner is honesty. Honesty goes a long way when you decide to spend your lives together. Be it about their past relationships, their choices, their financial status or something else, if you feel that they are lying about anything at all, take the hint that they might not the perfect choice.

Values others' feelings
Values others' feelings

Be assured that a person who gives respect to others' feelings, is a right choice. This can be seen by their behaviour with friends and members of the family. You can easily see if they are being rude, demanding or even abusive.

Can communicate well
Can communicate well

You will know if you both can communicate well in a couple of meetings. If you feel that you cannot communicate what you feel with them, then there is no point taking it any further. Remember that lack of communication is the biggest relationship killer.

Is confident
Is confident

Life is not really a bed of roses, there will always be ups and downs. When you get a little comfortable with the person, try to gauge if they are confident enough. You might not have many situations to encounter in an arranged set up, but you will be able to tell if the person is confident or not. This can easily be understood by the way they talk and what they talk about.

Does not dominate
Does not dominate

When you interact, you will easily be able to make out if the person is dominating or has an ego problem. Be warned that if you ignore this point now, it is bound to create major clashes later.

No person is perfect. But you can always try to look for the basic traits that you would want your life partner to possess. These will not only make for a happy married life, but also make ignoring the imperfections easier.

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