Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Bible in Driver’s Pocket Stops Bullets

Bible in Driver’s Pocket Stops Bullets
CHICAGO, USA: The Bible that a US bus driver kept in his pocket saved his life after it stopped two bullets from piercing his chest, stunned police said.

“There was obviously some kind of intervention involved in this incident because he probably should not be here,” Sergeant Michael Pauley of the Dayton, Ohio police told reporters.

Rickey Wagoner, 49, had stopped his bus to fix a problem in the early hours of Monday morning when he was approached by three teenagers in what appears to be gang-initiation attack, WCPO news reported.

“He heard one of the suspects say it was time to kill a polar bear to get into a club,” Pauley said. “He fought for his life.”

Wagoner was shot twice in the chest but managed to stay standing and struggled to wrestle the gun away from his attackers.

“I had a book in my pocket,” Wagoner told a police dispatcher in a call released to local media.

“At first I thought it went through. It just feels like I’ve been hit with a sledgehammer in the chest.”

One of the teens slashed him in the arm with a knife while he fought for the gun, which went off during the struggle and shot him in the leg.

But he managed to get both weapons away. “I stabbed one in the leg with my pen,” Wagoner said in the 911 call.

“He hollered and that’s when they all ran.” Wagoner picked up the dropped gun and shot after the fleeing teens but told the dispatcher he didn’t think he hit them.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Airport Security Scanners Can Detect Skin Cancer?

"The idea that we can harness different properties of light to detect skin cancer is very exciting"
Experts aren't suggesting that you ditch your dermatologist in favor of hopping on a flight, but they're excited by the news that the radiation used by airport screeners can be used to flag skin cancers. 

Seems that while outward signs like irregularly shaped or crusty, itchy moles indicate the presence of melanoma, long before they appear, the often-deadly disease has been active inside the body where we can't see it. 

Enter T-rays (terahertz radiation). The same radiation rays used by airport security machines to peek underneath clothing at airports, T-rays can be trained beneath the skin and can detect cancerous cells before they've had the chance to become deadly, allowing treatment of the disease to begin while its still in its most receptive stages. 

"Terahertz radiation is ideal for looking beneath the skin and detecting early signs of melanoma," Anis Rahman, Ph.D. said at a recent American Chemical Society conference. "T-rays are different from X-rays, which are 'ionizing' radiation that can cause damage. T-rays are a form of 'non-ionizing' radiation, like ordinary visible light, but they can be focused harmlessly below into the body and capture biochemical signatures of events like the start of cancer." 

"The idea that we can harness different properties of light to detect skin cancer is very exciting," Dr. Ranella Hirsch, a former president of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery says. "Any research that brings us closer to the early detection of melanoma (which is key to beating the disease) is heading in the right direction." 

If you or someone in your family has a history of skin cancer, ask your dermatologist about being scanned with a T-ray and always check your own body for any misshapen, odd looking moles or any that have appeared to change over time. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Mother Burns Daughter With Hot Knife

A middle aged woman, Ene Edem Okon, has been arrested by the police for allegedly inflicting bodily harm and tying her 11-year-old daughter, Queeneth Ene Edem, hands and legs for being wayward.

She was arrested when Queeneth appeared in her school, Government Primary School, Akim, with multiple wounds on her chest, stomach and buttocks prompting the school authorities to report the matter to the police at the Akim Police Station.

The girl narrated to Sunday Vanguard that, on February 17, she left home at Eneyo village in Akpabuyo Local Government Area for the Maternity Junction Settlement, some four kilometers away from home, to meet her cousin, one Blessing, but did not return home.

"We were waiting for Blessing's friend from whom she wanted to collect something but she delayed in coming and we waited till night and, because we were afraid of going back home, we slept in an uncompleted building at the Maternity Junction", she said.

The 11-year-old said the next day, one of her friends saw her at the Maternity Junction and told her that her mother was looking for her with a machete after which she became afraid to go back home. "We stayed on the road near our house and were breaking kernel to eat when my mother sent somebody to come and catch us.

That person came pretending to play with us but suddenly grabbed me and dragged me to my mother". The mother, angry, allegedly got hold of her and used a rod to hit her all over her body, thus leaving her with severe wounds. "She also put the kitchen knife in the fire she was cooking and when it was hot, she placed it on my buttocks", the girl stated.

When Sunday Vanguard met Mrs Ene Okon at the Akim Police Station, she appeared remorseful, stating that she was driven by anger because Queeneth was stubborn and had formed the habit of spending the night outside at such a tender age. "I sent her to school in far away Calabar because I don't trust the school here in Akpabuyo but she is just too stubborn, so I had to teach her a lesson."

Mr Hogan Bassey, the police spokesman for Cross River Police Command, said the woman would appear in court after investigations are concluded. Mr Bassey Ibor, a child rights activist, said children's courts in the state are not functioning and called on the state government to fund the courts.

"The cases we have taken to the children's courts have suffered long adjournments because the judges are not sitting. Government should, as a matter of urgency, ensure that the courts are funded so that these children would not continue to be denied of justice."

Saturday, 22 February 2014

You Are Fake From Head To Toe- Toke Makinwa’s Co-Presenter Tells Her

Nanya Diali is HARSH! Oh well… So they said Toke is fond of taking shots at her co-presenter, Nanya Diali,  who co-host The Morning Drive show with her. According to those who listened to them during the week, they said Toke attacked him first by saying the shirt he wore was fake. Apparently, Nanya is fond of letting Toke have the shine, but on this day, he got upset and replied her back that his shirt may be fake, but she Toke, is fake from head to toe. A shocked Toke quickly told him to expatiate and Nanya let the cat out of the bag by saying; If you remove the weaves, the fake eye lashes, the makeup, the push up bra and especially the bleached skin, people will run. You have no single natural beauty, you are totally fake", he said.  Now do you see why I said Nanya is Harsh? 

Why Are Educated People More Likely to Be Atheists?

The more education a person receives, the more likely they are to become atheists (1). Non belief also increases with intelligence and income. Residents of more educated countries see religion as less important in their daily lives (2).

Why are highly educated people more likely to be atheists? There are two categories of explanation. Either religious people lack a capacity for skepticism, or they choose to make a blind leap of faith and subscribe to the belief system adopted by their religious community. 

The Santa Claus Analogy
According to a deficient skepticism view, educated people are more capable of critical thought. They subject the claims of religious teachers to more intense skeptical inquiry. This is rather like older children asking themselves how a fat man can navigate a 9-inch chimney flue, magically reemerging next to the Christmas tree with packages measuring more than a foot in three dimensions. Older children connect these absurdities with a pattern of suspicious movements by parents and draw the inevitable conclusion that Santa Clause is a charade perpetrated by parents on children. Younger children are more trusting and less skepticism.
Logical though the rational-capacity explanation for atheism is, it is not entirely satisfactory for different reasons. Rational capacity does not always translate into religious skepticism, as noted for the distinguished scientists of past eras who were rabidly religious for the most part. Similarly, in religious countries, people may well stop believing in Santa Clause when they grow up but still hang on to their religious belief system. So it takes more than skepticism to separate people from their religious faith.

Why do religious people trash some implausible beliefs but keep others. Perhaps they get something out of the beliefs they keep. Once a person grows up, their parents no longer shower them with gifts during the holiday season so that they have no particular reason to sustain their credulity concerning Santa Claus, although they do pass on the belief to children.

If religious beliefs do not yield tangible benefits for adults, they may yield emotional rewards. The emotive aspects of religious belief can persist despite development of improved reasoning ability. Religious beliefs and rituals may continue to help adults to feel good. Belief and disbelief are more a matter of feelings than of reason.

Why elevate the emotional aspects of religious belief over the cognitive, or intellectual ones? One possibility is that religion functions as a form of emotion focused coping. It provides a defense against life's difficulties and disappointments.

The Emotional Hook
If religion is essentially a mechanism for dealing with unpleasant emotions, it is most useful when life is most difficult, as in disease-ravaged poverty-stricken sub-Saharan Africa and least useful when the quality of life is good, as is true of godless Europe.

In less educated countries, the general standard of living is poor. There is a lot of chronic illness and early death. Infant and child mortality are high. The population is highly vulnerable to droughts, famines and natural disasters. Most people find it miserably difficult to make a living. Governments are weak and corrupt and ordinary people get pushed around by gangsters and warlords. Of course, there may also be little religious freedom so that if there are any agnostics they are forced to keep a low profile.

Lacking any objective solution for their many problems, residents of less developed countries turn to religion for answers. The clearest evidence for this Is the fact that in poor countries where the standard of living is low virtually everyone sees religion as important in their lives.

As the standard of living improves, there are fewer unpleasant situations over which people have no control and therefore less of a market for religion. With improving quality of life in developed countries, the importance of religion declines. Looking into the future, this predicts a gradual shrinking of religious belief as the standards of living around the globe continues to improve fueled by rapid economic development.

Friday, 21 February 2014

HEALTH - 7 Heart Attack Warning Signs Women Shouldn’t Ignore

According to a report on, an estimated 38,000 women under age 50 suffer heart attacks each year in the United States.

Studies show that most women can’t differentiate between a heart attack and indigestion.

Most women who are having a heart attack put off going to the emergency room because the symptoms are so vague. Knowing the warning signs of a heart attack can mean the difference between life and death.

Tingling down one or both arms or legs
While this often means you’ve got a pinched nerve or arthritis in your neck, “it’s important to rule out heart problems first,” Dr. Nieca Goldberg medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at NYU Langone Medical Center said. See your doctor if you notice any tingling in your extremities.

You could have more than just a bug if your upset stomach comes along with other heart-related symptoms, such as shortness of breath, a cold sweat or pain in your chest or back.

Shortness of breath/racing heart
It can be really difficult to differentiate between a panic attack and a heart attack, since they share these symptoms. A few tells: Panic attacks can be triggered by a stressful event (though not always), and other signs can include trembling, intense terror and an overwhelming sense of doom. Panic attacks also typically come on suddenly and should pass within five minutes, while women’s heart-attack symptoms tend to start slowly and linger. The only way to be sure about what’s happening, however, is to get to the ER.

Jaw pain
Your jaw could hurt if you’re having a heart attack, because the nerves attached to it lie close to ones that come out of your heart. If the pain is constant, you probably have a dental problem; if it pops up intermittently and gets worse when you exert yourself, it’s more likely to be heart-related.

Feeling faint for no obvious reason (like doing a tough workout or being dehydrated) could mean that not enough blood is getting to the heart, especially if you’re also suffering from shortness of breath and a cold sweat.

Discomfort or burning in the chest or back
Women often describe a heart attack as tightness, heaviness, pressure or a squeezing sensation. The pain doesn’t have to be severe or sudden; it could come and go for weeks, so it’s often mistaken for indigestion or heartburn. If it doesn’t come on shortly after a meal, if you don’t normally have indigestion or if you’re also experiencing symptoms such as nausea, it needs to be checked promptly by a doctor.

Extreme fatigue
If you’re unable to walk a block comfortably or if you feel like you have to stop and rest while going about your daily activities, it could be a sign that blood is not getting to the heart fast enough.

How heart attacks happen
They’re most often triggered by a buildup of fatty deposits called plaque in our coronary arteries. When that plaque thickens and hardens, you develop atherosclerosis—a common heart disease that causes attacks. (Other forms of heart disease include arrhythmia and congenital issues.) Atherosclerosis can block blood flow, and therefore oxygen, to the heart muscle and lead to a heart attack. Some risk factors for heart disease are a family history, elevated blood pressure and/or cholesterol, obesity, smoking, high stress levels and having a sedentary lifestyle, although you can have heart attacks without being predisposed to them. Less common causes include a blood clot and a blood-vessel tear in the heart (known as a spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a rare condition that is most prevalent in those age 30 to 50).

- Health Plus

Qualities to Look for in Your Partner in Arranged Marriage

It is said that marriages are made in heaven and arranged on earth. But if you are going the arranged marriage way, the most pestering question can be- what traits to look for in the prospective partner? All of us know that judging someone merely on the external appearance can no way lead to the right decision. So, what points can one consider? Here is the list of the most important traits you can consider before coming to a decision. Today, even if your families introduce you both, you do get many chances to meet and therefore get to know each other well. So looking for these traits would not be too difficult
Is ready to make the 'big decision'
Is ready to make the 'big decision'

Is the person ready to adapt to the changes that are expected to come along with the new relationship? Are they ready to accept a new person in their life and everything that the new person brings along, including different choices, food habits, like and dislikes, etc.? Do they appear ready to commit or is it just the family pressure? These are the very important questions you need to ask yourself after a few meetings. If the answer to any of these questions is negative, know that you need to think again.

Is honest
Is honest

The most important trait that one looks for in a life partner is honesty. Honesty goes a long way when you decide to spend your lives together. Be it about their past relationships, their choices, their financial status or something else, if you feel that they are lying about anything at all, take the hint that they might not the perfect choice.

Values others' feelings
Values others' feelings

Be assured that a person who gives respect to others' feelings, is a right choice. This can be seen by their behaviour with friends and members of the family. You can easily see if they are being rude, demanding or even abusive.

Can communicate well
Can communicate well

You will know if you both can communicate well in a couple of meetings. If you feel that you cannot communicate what you feel with them, then there is no point taking it any further. Remember that lack of communication is the biggest relationship killer.

Is confident
Is confident

Life is not really a bed of roses, there will always be ups and downs. When you get a little comfortable with the person, try to gauge if they are confident enough. You might not have many situations to encounter in an arranged set up, but you will be able to tell if the person is confident or not. This can easily be understood by the way they talk and what they talk about.

Does not dominate
Does not dominate

When you interact, you will easily be able to make out if the person is dominating or has an ego problem. Be warned that if you ignore this point now, it is bound to create major clashes later.

No person is perfect. But you can always try to look for the basic traits that you would want your life partner to possess. These will not only make for a happy married life, but also make ignoring the imperfections easier.

Incredible: Alternate Uses of Onions

Health & Body

1. Repel Insects. Rubbing an onion on your skin is a simple way to repel bugs.

2. Soothe Insect Bites & Stings. Forgot to follow tip #1? Rubbing onion onto bug bites will help to ease the pain.

3. Soothe a Sore Throat. Making onion tea is a great remedy for soothing sore throats. On the stovetop, boil water with onion peels in it (about 1 cup of water for the peels of 1/2 an onion.) Bring to a boil, remove onion and serve.

4. Use in Place of Smelling Salts. Overwork yourself? Feeling light-headed? Onions are a great natural remedy to use instead of smelling salts.

5. Ease the Pain of Burns. Rubbing onions onto burns helps soothe the pain.

6. Remove Splinters. Have a splinter that just won’t budge? Try taping (yes, with tape, or a adhesive bandage) a piece of raw onion to it. Hold tight for about an hour before removing the onion.


7. Polish Metal. Slice onion and then crush it. Combine crushed onion with water. With a cloth, dab it on the metal surface. Rub until clean.

8. Get Rid of that Paint Smell. The same mixture described for polishing metal works great for combating the unpleasant, and sometimes unhealthy, odors of paints and varnishes.

9. Clean Sponges. Okay, so this particular use is actually for the mesh packaging that onions are often sold in, but hey — a way to re-use unnecessary packaging, right?! The mesh is a perfect tool to clean all that gunk that builds up on sponges. Cut it up into smaller pieces for best results.

10. Clean Your Grill. Chop an onion in half, and turn on your grill. Using a fork, glide the onion on the grill to scrub it clean.

11. Make a DIY Dye. Onion skins make great dyes! Place the skins in nylon panty hose, tie top shut, and boil in a pot for about 20 minutes.


12. Make Burned Rice Edible Again. Neglected your rice, and now some of it has burned? No need to toss it! Simply place half of an onion on top of the rice. It will absorb the burned taste.

13. Preserve Avocados. Prevent your avocados from browning by storing them in a plastic airtight container with red onions. Place half of an onion in the container first, skin side up, and then place the avocado.

Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of getting Breast Cancer.

Breast cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent, so many of us have been touched by this disease, but you can take steps to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. There is a lot of research being conducted in cancer prevention, and while recent medical breakthroughs definitely give us some peace of mind, studies suggest that a little tweaking of your lifestyle choices could well help to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. 


With all the information we have on the links between smoking and cancer in general, it may seem like I’m stating the obvious, but you should avoid smoking; this one small lifestyle choice is one of the most important ways to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. Long-term smoking could be especially harmful. You should also limit alcohol consumption. Our mums are always nagging us about taking our vitamins; well, it turns out we should be listening to them – a multivitamin that includes folic acid could contribute towards reducing your risk of getting breast cancer.


Where diet choices are concerned, you should aim to limit the amount of processed and refined foods in your diet. Fresh is definitely best! The many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that occur naturally in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean unprocessed meats will fortify your body’s resistance to cancer. Experts at the American Institute for Cancer Research believe that a third of all cancers can be prevented by improvements to lifestyle, including good nutrition and fitness, weight management and regular exercise. Which leads us to point 3….


So we know it’s important to stay physically active, and to maintain a reasonable level of fitness. If you’re following a healthy and balanced diet, your weight should be in check anyway, but regular exercise is crucial to staying in a healthy weight range. Research shows that it is especially important to avoid weight gain after menopause. As your risk of obesity increases, so does your risk of cancer, so a healthy weight is a key factor in breast cancer prevention.


There is no such thing as safe exposure to radiation. If you find that you need to undergo medical tests involving x-rays and CT scans, it’s always a good idea to speak to your doctor – there may be alternative means for diagnosis, such as ultrasounds or MRI, which don’t expose you to radiation.


If you have the option of having your first child before the age of 30 to 35, you reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. Later pregnancies still offer some protection, but not as much. On the subject of pregnancy, there has been speculation that certain types of the contraceptive pill could pose a breast cancer risk. Studies are still being conducted, so as with all medication, your doctor will be able to help you make the right decision for your situation.


Breastfeeding has many benefits, for both mother and child, and breast cancer prevention is one very important benefit. If you are able to breastfeed your baby, you decrease your breast cancer risk, especially if you’re nursing for a longer period. Basically the longer you breastfeed, the greater your protection. Breastfeeding may also reduce a female baby’s risk of developing breast cancer at a later age.


During menopause, our hormones go through an intense balancing act, and HRT (hormone replacement therapy) has often been used to help regulate hormonal fluctuation, and control progesterone and estrogen levels. Studies over the last few years have pointed towards a correlation between HRT and breast cancer. If you must use HRT, try to use it for shortest possible time. Talk to your doctor for advice and possible alternatives. And again, managing your weight during menopause is very important. 

Breast cancer has affected so many women, and the lives of those they love. It’s comforting to know that you could make some simple, common-sense lifestyle choices that could contribute to decreasing your risk of breast cancer, with the bonus of a healthier you overall. Have you been affected by breast cancer? If you have, I hope you, and those you love, are recovering well. Could you see yourself making changes to include some of these tips to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer? Do you have any tips to share? 


If you love ethnic food, you’re in luck, because some of the healthiest ethnic foods out there are some of the best nutritious foods you could be eating. Don’t get me wrong, items like fried rice, burritos, and fried dumplings aren’t what I’m talking about here. Some of the healthiest ethnic foods are actually foods you might not think of initially. In fact, they’re some of the most basic foods we eat today. Check out my favorite list of the healthiest ethnic foods, and feel free to take a stroll down the international or ethnic aisle next time you’re at the market. You’ll likely find so many gems that are amazing for your health, and your taste buds! 


One of my absolute favorites of all the healthiest ethnic foods is salsa. It’s incredible for you! High in antioxidants, low in sugar, low in calories, and filled with veggies, salsa is a terrific food to add to your buggy, and your meals. Top anything from eggs, to salads, to grain dishes and more with this delicious topping. It halts cravings, fills you up, and gives you fiber too. Be sure to choose a good brand, preferably organic if you can, and one without added sugar. Read the ingredient label to get the best option!


You’ll likely see a huge variety of canned coconut milk on the ethnic aisle, and you definitely want to pick up this valuable food. It’s high in beneficial fats that spike your metabolism and contribute to brain health. It also contains a dense flavor, so you can use less for the best results. It’s naturally sugar-free, and is delicious to use in place of dairy milk in recipes. You can buy light or regular, but always choose a good brand that is free of BPA, like Nature’s Forest.


Take a look at the spices on the ethnic aisle. You’ll likely see some dried peppers, along with dried lemongrass. This is a wonderful food for you! It’s dried so you can use it in teas, cook stir-fries with it, and even let your oatmeal cook with it, then remove it before serving. It has a light, lemony taste, and adds a really fresh, Thai-like taste to foods. It’s been proven to be beneficial for cleansing and detoxification as well.


Another top food to pick up while you’re shopping on the ethnic aisle is dried peppers. These are low in calories, sugar-free, and intense in flavor. If you can’t take the heat, I don’t blame you! However, consider just cooking your meals with them, or letting them cook in the slow cooker with soup, and then removing before serving. They add a wonderful smokey flavor to your foods, and if you remove them before eating, you won’t suffer any mouth-burning side effects! I like to also grind them in a food processor and keep them in a jar in flaked form.


Have you heard of soba noodles? They’re an Asian noodle that is low in gluten, and even come in some gluten-free varieties. They’re mainly made from the gluten-free seed buckwheat, which is high in protein and nutrition. Just be sure you buy a gluten-free brand if you’re sensitive, since many have wheat added.


This popular ethnic food is used as a seasoning, and has many vegan and gluten-free fans. It’s made from fermented soybeans and has a similar taste to soy sauce, but without the gluten. Low sodium varieties are also available. You can add this anywhere you would add soy sauce and keep your salt and wheat intake to a minimum.


A favorite superfood that I keep in stock also happens to be found on the ethnic aisle at many supermarkets today. It may be cross-marketed in the store and featured in several different places, however at most stores you’ll find this amazing oil on the ethnic aisle. Coconut oil is my number one oil I choose to cook with, and I even add it to smoothies. It’s rich in lauric acid, which helps fight infections and unhealthy bacteria, and it’s overall a phenomenal food to add to your diet. 

Ethnic foods can be an undiscovered treasure if you haven’t added them to your diet. Just be sure to keep it healthy when choosing delicious ethnic foods in the process. Do you shop on the ethnic aisle? What foods are your favorite to stock up on there? 

Wonders shall never end: Artist Uses Ashes Of The Deceased To Paint Portraits Of Them


Adam Brown, a Missouri-based painter, is offering his clients a unique way to connect with their deceased loved ones. He mixes the ashes with paint pigments and uses them to create portraits of the dead, as a ‘lasting memory’.

The 32-year-old artist said: “It hit me that having ashes in an urn on a fireplace would be a good way to remember that someone died, but having them in a piece of art is a good way of remembering that someone lived.” For Brown to paint the portraits, his clients need to send him the cremated remains of their loved ones. “Out of respect, I still wear gloves when handling the ashes,” said Brown “And whatever is left over, I am careful to return. I only need about four to six ounces, depending on the canvas. The ashes would go into the background.”

He takes these ashes, which have the texture of sand, and mixes them with paints, craft glues and resins. Brown also incorporates the deceased’s favorite colors and personality into the artwork. He puts a written inscription at the back warning that the painting contains human remains. This is “in case it ever leaves the family and goes into auction, so people know what they’re buying.”

Adam Brown said he got the idea for the paintings from an old TV show. “It was Ripley’s Believe It or Not – they did a story about a woman who did this with abstract art and it stuck in my head,” he said. He was commissioned for his first painting by a friend who lost a loved one.

About five months ago, Brown quit his regular job as an event planner. He is now focusing all his time on this ‘Art from Ashes’ project, at his studio in Grandview, outside Kansas city. He has tie-ups with funeral and retirement homes, and quickly converts ashes into portraits in time for a memorial service. The entire process takes him 48 hours to complete.

Brown said that most people really appreciate the idea and his work, especially those who never considered this an option. “People that have the paintings love them; I’ve never had a bad response. It gives them that constant reminder of something they could look at, smile and say, ‘That person meant a lot to me.’” The paintings could cost anywhere between $300 and $700, depending on size and colors used.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

"They Can Wound Or They Can Heal" - Femi Fani-Kayode Writes On 'The Power Of A Woman

Women are a precious gift from God but there are some things that all men need to know. Women are by far the deeper and more powerful of the two sexes. No matter how strong a man thinks he is, he is like butter in the hands of a woman that he loves. It is only a woman that can carry a child for nine months and raise that child to adulthood and yet until the day that that woman dies only she will know the real father of that child. Women are more discerning than men, more calculating, more thoughtful, more spiritual, more loyal, and more disciplined and they can handle emotional pain and psychological torture far better than men.

A woman can suffer trauma, deprivation, shame, sheer cruelty and beatings from a man and still stay with him simply for the sake of the children. A woman can do anything and take anything for, or from, a man that she truly loves. A woman can be the most vicious and dangerous of all God’s creatures when she is hurt and scorned and when her love is not returned. A woman in a position of power can be a dangerous thing because more often than not she is motivated by emotion and not reason or logic. If wars were to be fought by women they would never end. The greatest weapon that the devil has in his armoury are the daughters of Jezebel and Dalilah, those beautiful yet evil seducers whose mission in life is to destroy men that are called to greatness by God.

The greatest weapon that God has in his arsenal are the daughters of Zion, those beautiful, wise, prayerful, discerning, prudent, patient, kind, loyal women who are faithful unto death and who are the enforcers and guardians of God’s purpose in the lives of men. A woman can kill a man that she has lived with all her life, simply because he never returned her love and a woman can kill for or die for a man who loves her and stands by her through thick and thin. If you are rich, pretend that you are poor to a woman and you will know her true nature. If you are poor, pretend that you are rich to a woman and you will know what she is really after.

A woman that abandons a man when he is going through difficulties is not worth taking back when those challenges have been overcome. Beware of a woman’s love, for at the slightest hurt, it can turn to hate. Women gossip and talk, yet a woman keeps deeper secrets than any man. When a woman says “no” she actually means “maybe” and when she says “maybe” she actually means “yes”. A woman that betrays or seeks to destroy, ridicule or shame her husband or lover destroys and diminishes her own spirit and wounds her own soul; not only is she not worthy of being loved by any, but she is not the material for a man of destiny, she is not of the stuff that true women are made. A great king with a great army can overrun nations and yet can be mastered and overwhelmed by the mere touch and whisperings of a loving woman.

The love of Helen of Troy caused the launch of a thousand ships and the love of any woman can cause a man to slaughter. Women are a gift from God to men, but like all gifts they must be pampered, loved and given all your attention otherwise they begin to look elsewhere for such nourishment and care. Out of every specie of animal ever created by God, it is always the female gender of that animal that is the most vicious and dangerous and yet it is also the female of that specie that protects and raises the offspring in loving care. You cannot police a woman or really know her movements for she can be the greatest deceiver: if she really wants to play, she will go ahead and play and no matter the efforts that her man makes, it is only by divine intervention that he will ever know. A woman is moved by touch whilst a man is moved by sight.

A woman will die for her children and guard her home with all she has. A woman craves for security and commitment above all else and without these two she cannot truly be happy. A woman gives, a woman takes, a woman laughs, a woman cries, yet through all this only she alone knows what is really in her heart. A woman can heave and moan in the throes of orgasmic passion, yet deep down she feels nothing at all but pity and contempt for the lover that she is deceiving. A woman can lie still and say she feels nothing yet her heart trembles and races and her senses come alive and quiver deeply just at the sound and by the touch of the man that she truly desires. That is a woman for you: they can be a snare or a blessing. They can bring joy or pain. They can wound or they can heal.

They are a beautiful contradiction of love and hate and we men simply cannot live without them. A woman can only appreciate a man after she has been with another. A woman will make you feel that you are in charge yet with sweet words and with guile and cunning she silently controls everything and everyone around you. Women are the shield, the defender and the foundation of the home. Even as the man is the head, the woman is the neck without which it would fall. The greatest mistake that any man could ever make is to underestimate or treat with levity the power of a woman. For it is only a dullard or a fool that could honestly believe that he can confine a woman to having babies and to simply cooking in the kitchen. A woman is irrepressable, unbeatable,unfathomable, irresistable and unknowable and my advice to every man is to cherish her, to love her and to grant her, her hearts deepest desires.

That is the secret to a woman’s heart and what more is there to say, other than for us to admit that the woman is the true hero of our lives and to simply agree that we must appease and worship them and do all we can to keep those pretty smiles on their beautiful yet dangerous faces.


A Peep Inside The World's Most Expensive Luxurious Hotel Rooms Around The World (PHOTOS

1. Hotel President Wilson, Geneva: Costing $83,200 a night, the Royal Penthouse Suite at the Hotel President Wilson in Geneva is the most expensive hotel room in the world. The 12-bedroom suite has hosted a venerable guest list, including Bill Gates and Michael Douglas. Apparently, some famous musicians have found inspiration in the panoramic views of Lake Geneva and the Swiss Alps.

At $83,200 a night, the Royal Penthouse Suite at Geneva's Hotel President Wilson is the most expensive hotel room in the world. Guests are not left wanting for much: the suite has 12 bedrooms and 12 marble bathrooms, plus a wraparound terrace with views of the Alps that have been said to move a handful of famous musicians to song (there's a Steinway piano, should the backdrop not be enough). VIPs traveling without an entourage can make use of the private staff -- butler, chef, personal assistant. 

2. Raj Palace, Jaipur, India: A night at the Shahi Mahal Suite at the Raj Palace Hotel in Jaipur, India costs $60,000. Currently, it is undergoing renovations, though when its finished, it will have a new 24,000-square-foot landscaped terrace garden and a three-sided infinity pool. The suite already boasts its own astrology room, library, bar and private theater.

4.Four Seasons, New York: The $45,000, one-bedroom Ty Warner Penthouse Suite in the Four Seasons New York is super sleek. Styled like a luxury apartment, it boasts four glass balconies and floor-to-celing windows offering panoramic views of the Manhattan skyline. There's also a zen room, calfskin-lined walls in the wardrobe, an invisible audio system, a spa room, a private entrance, butler service, a personal trainer, and a chauffeured Rolls Royce.

5.Palms Casino, Las Vegas: The $40,000, two-story Sky Villa at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas is spread out over 9,000 square feet. Perks include a 12-person, glass-enclosed Jacuzzi pool overlooking the Vegas Strip, a private glass elevator, private terraces, a massage room, a fitness room, a dry sauna and 24-hour butler service.

6.St. Regis Saddiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi: The royal suite at the St. Regis Saddiyat Island Resort in Abu Dhabi costs $35,000 a night, and spans a whopping 22,600 square feet. The duplex suite has four bedrooms, a private movie theater, swimming pool and games room. There's also a dining room that can seat 12, and a living room with a Steinway piano (for the musically inclined).

7. The St. Regis New York, New York: The Presidential Suite at the iconic St. Regis New York City was redesigned last year by Richard Mishaan. The $35,000 per-night abode offers uninterrupted views of Central Park, and has its own dining room, living room, wood-paneled library and three bedrooms. There's also butler service, and access to the hotel's Bentley Mulsanne.

8. Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris: The Penthouse Suite ($30,700) at the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris is decked out like a well-curated apartment. Each of the three bedrooms comes with a spacious walk-in wardrobe and oversized marble bathrooms (complete with a steam room, sauna and bidet).

9. Atlantis, The Palm, Dubai: Guests at The Royal Bridge Suite at Atlantis, the Palm in Dubai get complimentary spa services, personal training sessions, dolphin encounters, access to the N'Dulge nightclub and unlimited passes to the attached Aquaventure Waterpark. All three bedrooms come with ensuite bathrooms (though the master bedroom has two -- a his and hers). The dining room also has a gold-plated dinner table that seats 16. The pricetag? $35,000 a night.

10. Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills: The three-bedroom, 5,000-square-foot Penthouse Suite at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California is the largest suite in Los Angeles. The room clocks in at a princely $25,000 per night, and comes equipped with a wrap-around balcony and a dining room that seats 12 guests.

11. Burj Al Arab, Dubai: The Burj Al Arab's Royal Suite ($19,000) in Dubai comes with Hermes bath products, a 24-hour private butler, full-size jacuzzis and five-head rain showers in all the bathrooms, a menu featuring 17 types of pillows, a rotating four-poster bed, and free use of a 24-carat gold-plated iPad.

12. Ritz-Carlton Tokyo, Tokyo: The Frank Nicholson-designed suite the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo ($20,000) comes with a four-poster king-size bed, Frette linens, a private den and a dining room that seats 16. As the suite resides in Tokyo's tallest tower, the views of Shinjuku's skyline are pretty spectacular.